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Biff The Cat Comes Through The Catflap

This is typical. It beats me how human civilisation ever advanced when they can't even sort out a reasonably-sized catflap for me. As if trying to squeeze through that hopelessly miniscule hole isn't humiliating enough, they have to leave carrier bags full of bottles for recycling by the entrance, which makes the whole pallaver noisy and tiresome. I wouldn't mind but the Master and Mistress frequently stand there and guffaw as I struggle to get into the house

Most viewed - Pets

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  • Meow Compilation
  • Stalking Cat
  • MEOW
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  • Cat Boria not sharing any of that bread
  • The Screaming Sheep
  • pikamercury.mp4
  • Lovely Owl

Most watched video

All best of the month... ►
  • Bridge
  • Engineers Turn Robot Arm into F1 Ferrari Simulator
  • Kids play with paint a get it all over their faces
  • Toothy Dog Thomas
  • Box
  • Boston Dynamics robot dance: Do You Love Me?
  • Guy farts alot while lifting
  • Water Park in Russia with excavator
  • Meow Compilation
  • Stalking Cat
  • Pendulum Waves
  • Blow up boogie
  • MEOW
  • Honda
  • Depressed Cat