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Super fast bike could revolutionize transportation

It's certainly a head-turner. Whizzing around the streets of Berlin - this is the "ErockIT". Half-bicycle, half-motorbike, Stefan Gulas has been working on his invention for the past four years: [Stefan Gulas, ErockIT Inventor]: "It's a motorbike and in a certain sense it's also a bicycle, because the motorbike works as a bicycle. So you have to pedal in order to travel forwards. The pedals act as a type of accelerator. So you don't have an accelerator on the handlebars but you have to pedal. An

Most viewed - Inventions

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  • MEOW
  • Box
  • Honda
  • Depressed Cat
  • Toothy Dog Thomas
  • DC snow monster
  • Cat-lift
  • Forward
  • Devil Baby Attack
  • BarackRoll
  • Meow Compilation
  • Pixar One Man Band
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